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Saturday, June 14, 2008

S.O.S. Atilla is here.

* You are being attacked by Bleda the Hun *
The message flashed across the screen, but I couldn't care less, Bleda could do no harm as my Throwing Axemen were ravaging the hunnic lands. Bleda's ally, Theodoric the Goth, wasn't faring any better with my Frankish Knights making light work of his Huskarals.

Finally the curse was being lifted, I was on the verge of defeating two hardest-computers, but suddenly
there is an 'akashvaani' ...

"Kaise ho Pushkin" ?

It's HIM!
It's ATTILA the HUN!!! Flanked by his notorious knights.
I am doomed!

Okay come out of your A.O.E dream world dammit, it was more like....

It's HIM!
It's ADITYA DEWAN!!! My H.R. training supervisor.
I am doomed!!

*Okay Pushkin calm down, you have had it worse* i murmured to myself.

*The caretaker rushes in...*

"Kya aap single ho ?"


"Fir aapko inke saath doubling karni padegi"

*A guy walks up to me....*

"Hi, I am Kanishka from I.I.T Rorkee"

Okay! the pieces of the jigsaw were now falling into place, the notorious knights that I had alluded to earlier were the new summer internees inducted by Aditya himself, and I had to share the room with one of them.

It sounds pretty straight forward now, but in real time it was all too confusing, as while all of this was unraveling i was frantically searching for my shirt.
The damned thing was hiding beneath the pillow.
Anyway, now that I was respectably clothed, and presumably, on a higher pedestal of self-esteem, I was much better prepared to handle this predicament.
Thereafter, we exchanged some pleasantries and soon they were off for lunch.

It really couldn't get any worse, first of all I was caught bunking, and secondly, I now had to share my beloved room.
But there was more anguish in store, amid all the confusion, I had left the game I was so intensely hooked onto, only to realize later that without my dynamic leadership my army was completely annihilated.

No time for any regrets, I flung my I.D. card around my neck and rushed to the unit, hoping to catch them there and do some, you know, 'damage control'. But i couldn't find them there.
Aditya is a chill guy, i thought, so maybe he'll understand. As it turned out, he actually was, atleast on the surface.

Quite an eventfull afternoon nevertheless, quite the opposite to the dull, drab and sleepy ones I had been accustomed to lately.

Signing off!
good day!


Sagar Singh said...

"Meet Kanishka, your room-mate..
She is young.
She is sexy.
and she sleeps naked.

You'll be sharing your room with her" :D

Okay. That was random :D

Anonymous said...

How do you get to share a room with a girl?Amazing!(shocked!)
ps:Comment by a girl.

ranger said...

Poor girl, didn't have any room available. So the caretaker organized a kind of 'swayambar' among the guys.
She picked me and the rest as they say, is history... :D

ps: let me help you out here the 'a' is silent

Anonymous said...

lol,the Gods seem to be smiling down on you.And,never start off with 'Poor girl' again, 'cause you sound like the big bad wolf!:D

ps:urm..which 'a' is silent?

ranger said...

Second hint:

Read the 153rd word of the blog.
I think that would be as conclusive as anything.

And I must add that you've done yourself a huge favor by posting anonymous. :D

anonymous.soul said...

"Meet Kanishka, your room-mate..
He is young.
He is sexy.
and he sleeps naked.

You'll be sharing your room with him" :D

Okay. That was even more random than Sagar's :D

Anonymous said...

yikes,I am sorry!read the blog in a hurry, so i guess I actually mistook kanishka for a girl!
I dont mind coming out in the open 'cause its a genuine mistake, anyone could have committed it,and the first comment ,is as
misleading as anything.

ranger said...

Sagar gets a reprimand for making such oh-so-confusing comments. :D
Anony get a pardon for an honest mistake.

ps: talks about coming out in the open, ;)

kubenB said...

yeh yeh

ps: please come in open anony :x

2nd ps: this is kanishka :x

Nandita Mathews said...

hey,I dont think you have heard of me,but neway,I am nandita,Vanakkam!

kubenB said...

Vanakkam... but that was sad changing only thing of being proud of... :(( ;)

kritika said...

awwwwww...... poor kanishka...... im sure that as a genuine mistake!!!!!

Amit said...'s Attila and not Atilla....God Dammit...

ranger said...

Finally!!!! :D

अभिनव भारद्वाज said...

Comparison between attila and aditya is awesome. Really, I feel sometime that God is playing AOE by expanding this universe and we all are among villi, monk, army, n all!